ImageUtil Module

Contains auto-opened utilities related to the DiffSharp programming model.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

loadImage fileName resize

Full Usage: loadImage fileName resize

    fileName : string
    resize : (int * int) option

Returns: float32[,,]

Loads a pixel array from a file and optionally resizes it in the process. Resizing uses bicubic interpolation.

fileName : string
resize : (int * int) option
Returns: float32[,,]

saveImage pixels fileName resize

Full Usage: saveImage pixels fileName resize

    pixels : float32[,,]
    fileName : string
    resize : (int * int) option

Saves the given pixel array to a file and optionally resizes it in the process. Resizing uses bicubic interpolation. Supports .png and .jpg formats.

pixels : float32[,,]
fileName : string
resize : (int * int) option

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